Mood swings can be defined as rapid changes in mood. Like a 'roller coaster' of feelings, mood swings can take you from feeling happy and content to suddenly feeling angry, irritable, or even depressed.
Though it may feel that you have little control over your emotions in the moment, there are many ways you can better manage and cope with changes in your mood. Here are just a few:
🏃Getting regular exercise (30 minutes a day recommended)
🥦Maintaining a healthy diet (did you know that bananas and salmon are two examples of mood-boosting foods?)
😌Learning how to manage stress (try taking 5 deep breaths throughout the day)
🛌Adjusting your nightly routine to improve sleep (it's hard, but try not to look at your phone right before bed- the light could make it hard to fall asleep. If that's not right for you, deep breathing helps with sleep too!)