Psychodynamic Psychotherapy Treatment Delivered by Artificial Intelligence

Posted on
June 1, 2021

Tess, AI Chatbot, has been trained in a variety of emotional support evidence-based conversations. Among the different interventions, she has been designed to self-reflect using the Psychodynamic Psychotherapy Treatment framework. Tess can promote self-awareness by delivering conversations about their patterns of behaviors, relationships, and authentic self.

These conversations have shown to promote self-awareness and a 95% satisfaction rate during the last three years.  These metrics have been tracked by asking the person after each intervention if the conversation was helpful. Qualitative research has also shown that these interventions tend to be among the most frequent topics. One of the main reasons for this has been the free-stigmatization that a chatbot can offer to someone who might be ashamed to talk about their depth of emotions or patterns with someone who doesn't know. As Tess has been trained by a Psychologist and Psychotherapist, she will always encourage people to try to start conversations with trusted professionals, and still, Tess will be there for support.

Posted on
June 1, 2021
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